
"I’m not sure I know of a time when I was ever not creating something. Whether it was a colorful picture, a detailed drawing, an outside fort, rearranging a room, or styling a surface, I was always taking something ordinary and making it extraordinary.   A creative childhood led to a creative choice of degree in college. Landscape Architecture. Which then led to Interior Design.  Which then led to an interest in photography. Which then led to a photography business. Which then led to my first go at motherhood.  Which then led to fine art portraiture sales.  Which then led to another little kiddo.  Which then, finally, led to this longing I carry today to create this thing that has always been so deep in my heart to create. Art.  It was always Art. All roads led to this place. I’m so happy to be here. Right where I was meant to end up.  Thank you for following along as I begin the second act of my life as an artist!"    

You can find Rebecca spending most of her days in her Germantown, TN home studio experimenting with color and shape while listening to a podcast, an audiobook, or a really great playlist.